Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Think about it

Students who took my Senior Seminar class at Eckerd may remember my cajoling them to listen to the "News Hour" TV program on PBS. The program includes a segment where two commentators from differing political perspectives discuss/debate current issues. David Brooks, the NY Times columnist, is a regular News Hour discussant. He also wrote this piece for the Times today:

Although you may not agree with everything Mr. Brooks writes (I don't, personally) I find his open minded, critical thinking wonderfully refreshing. (And, he uses one of my favorite sayings about hammers and nails!) Rather than an ideological, dogmatic, mechanistic approach to addressing today's current economic/political problems Mr. Brooks is willing to think creatively, realistically and be non-scripted.

So, what do you think of what I think of what Mr. Brooks' thinks?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with his observation that we need long-sighted creative solutions which aren't bound to either party ideology, since we are facing "a crisis with many currents."

    Do you think we'll see any brave politicians this election cycle?
