Sunday, October 30, 2011

Now for something interesting, but altogether different: Who wrote Shakespeare's plays?

Although the question sounds like one of my running classroom sayings, "What time does our 1:30 class start?", the issue of authorship of Shakespeare's plays comes into question by some. In a blistering critique of non-Shakespeare authorship is the piece by James Shapiro (below) who puts the question on the rubbish heap along with conspiracy theorists, DaVinci Codes, and other forms of truthieness.

from the NY Times

An excellent cautionary story about being overconfident, especially about financial decisions.

Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman writes persuasively about people's tendency to believe what they want to believe rather than what evidence may indicate. Although a psychologist, Hahneman has contributed greatly to the field of financial decision making.
from the NY Times

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

An economic assessment with an 800 year perspective

Harvard economics Prof. Ken Rogoff offers commentary about the depth of the current crisis ("A great contraction" in his terms) based upon economic research covering the past 800 years.
Intelligent and very readable.
from McKinsey Quarterly

9 - 9 - 9 may be the price of a pizza but it is not an intelligent tax policy Mr. Cain

Seems the only thing attractive about Herman Cain's 9 9 9 tax plan is its simplicity. Based upon the analysis done by the Tax Policy Center (below) all but the top quintile of American would pay higher taxes.

Next candidate!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Here's something, not about business or politics, but very interesting

This video from RSAnimate not only has fascinating content but the animation is brilliant. (Footnotes please!)

The slow motion train wreck that is Groupon

The Groupon IPO seems to get more and more bizarre. Did dot com firms learn anything from their industry bubble and did Wall Street from its recent near death experience?
Indeed, how will this end.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Insider trading or efficient market?

Those who took my Senior Seminar class may remember our discussion of corporate takeovers. We saw a video which includes a debate between M.I.T professor Lester Thurow and Rudy Giuliani (then U.S. Attorney) about whether an efficient market is enforceable or just an illusion.
Theory aside, Raj Ratharatnam now faces an eleven year sentence for insider trading.
from the New York Times

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The continuing adventures of Groupon

Groupon is sure to be a textbook case for a long time.
Here's the latest on the company's long and winding road toward IPO, courtesy of DealBook:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Only the brave

Back on Sept. 2 my post was about the inability of Groupon to keep quiet during their IPO's quiet period. More emerges about Groupon and its financial performance prior to public launch. This should be interesting.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm Shocked! Shocked, there was ever a question of Palin's running for president

Just ask Captain Renault. What thinking person ever believed Sarah Palin would run for president. There is much too much money to be made from relentless self promotion and Fox News.
-from NPR and Rick

An economic solution from outside the (recipe) box from a professional foodie

A slightly brilliant idea about addressing the U.S. budget deficit and obesity simultaneously. Mark Bittman is a chef, NY Times contributor and now economic policy wonk.

NB (That is, Nota Bittman): Bittman has a very easy recipe for home made bread made together with Jim Lahey of the Sullivan Street bakery in NYC.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Handy guide to Rick Perry

If you haven't made up your mind yet about Rick Perry, (Really?) this chronicle may help.

from ProPublica:

Thank you Mr. Bartlett for your honesty.

While current Republican presidential candidates seem content to make statements without being bogged down by supporting data, it is refreshing to read a piece from an old school Republican who is willing to think objectively and not follow blind ideology.

Also see posts September 5, 8, 14 (Mankiw) and 21.